Icon/Floral Sponsorship



Icon & Floral Sponsorship opportunities are available throughout the year for ecclesiastic Feast Days. Sponsorship can be made in honor or in memory of a loved one or for the wellbeing of your family.


With this form you may sponsor an Icon or provide flowers for a Feast Day of your choice. If you have any questions, please reach out to Niki Tsetsekos, ntsetsekos@gmail.com. 


Please note if you would prefer your donation to remain anonymous. 


All sponsorships and donations are greatly appreciated!


Item DescriptionDonation
 Icon Sponsorship - Nicholas the Wonderworker
Friday, December 6th
$150.00 sold out
 Floral Sponsorship - Nicholas the Wonderworker
Friday, December 6th
$150.00 sold out
 Icon Sponsorship - Eleutherios, Bishop Illyria; Susannah the Deaconess
Sunday, December 15th
 Floral Sponsorship - Eleutherios, Bishop Illyria; Susannah the Deaconess
Sunday, December 15th
$150.00 sold out
 Icon Sponsorship - Christmas Eve/Midnight: Nativity of our Lord
Tuesday, December 24th
$150.00 sold out
 Floral Sponsorship - Christmas Eve/Midnight: Nativity of our Lord
Tuesday, December 24th
 Icon Sponsorship - St. Basil the Great
Tuesday, December 31st
 Floral Sponsorship - St. Basil the Great
Tuesday, December 31st
 Icon Sponsorship - Eve of the Theophany; Theopemptos &Thoenas
Sunday, January 5th
 Floral Sponsorship - Eve of the Theophany; Theopemptos &Thoenas
Sunday, January 5th
 Icon Sponsorship - Holy Theophany
Monday, January 6th
 Floral Sponsorship - Holy Theophany
Monday, January 6th
 Icon Sponsorship - Anthony the Great
Friday, January 17th
 Floral Sponsorship - Anthony the Great
Friday, January 17th
 Icon Sponsorship - Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
Thursday, January 30th
 Floral Sponsorship - Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs
Thursday, January 30th
This Sponsorship is made (reset)

Would you like sponsorship/donation to be made anonymously? (reset)

All Sponsorships/Donations are greatly appreciated!


You will receive an email confirmation of your sponsorship or donation.