St. Luke Christmas Card and Poinsettia Order Form


Use this form to include your family's name on the 2024 St. Luke Christmas Card and donate towards Poinsettias to beautify our church during the Christmas season in honor of our loved ones or in memory of those no longer with us. 


Please note you may order Poinsettias through 12/20/2024.


We greatly appreciate your generosity and wish you and your families a blessed Christmas season.



Stacy Floratos

Committee Chair



Relationship to St. Luke Church

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St. Luke Christmas Card

The Annual Christmas Card will be sent to all our our St. Luke Church members. If you are not a member and would like to be included in the Christmas card please also complete this form.

 Your family's name in the St. Luke Christmas Card
Donation: $20 (minimum) Please adjust the price to reflect your donation preference.

(55 spaces max)


The Poinsettias beautify our church during the Christmas season in honor of our loved ones or in memory of those who are no longer with us.

Donation: $10 (minimum) Please adjust the price to reflect your donation preference.

Please enter first names only, separated by commas.

You may use this space to leave a message for our Christmas Card Committee if you would like.


"To promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach, to preserve the sanctity of life an family, and to perpetuate and to promote our Orthodox faith and traditions."